Thursday, August 27, 2009

20 weeks and a very big belly

Watch out for the big belly....15 weeks to go!!! So I am officially uncomfortable and I now have 4 ankles; two on each side. The swelling in my legs and feet are tremendous. I was going to post a picture of them but feet are ugly anyway and when they get that big there is no need to scare people off with them. I am so thankful that my babies seem to be growing quite well but I am just not sure how this belly can stretch anymore but I guess it will. I am curious to see at my doctor's appointment next Thursday just how much they weigh.

Once again, I received a great report and my cervix is holding up quite nicely and hasn't must be made of steel to hold up so much weight. Just continue to pray that it does so that I can make it to 35 weeks without complications.

The babies were not too exciting this time around and not in a great position for pictures. However, the past few nights one of them kept creeping way over into my right side and back and forth. Well guess who that was...Baby C....the little mister causing trouble in there as always. Baby A is more on my high right side and Baby B has moved over from my belly button toward my left side now and Baby A remains lower in the center. Baby A had her hands on her head again she must be really frustrated with her brother and sister. Baby B appreared to be sucking her thumb and Baby C was looking straight at us.

Baby A-Girl

Baby B-Girl

Baby C-boy

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