Sunday, June 30, 2013

Molly’s 9 months old


Molly has been a busy busy baby and has become very opinionated. She loves to stand up and cruise around and is very happy when she is standing, someone is entertaining her or her sisters and brother are playing with her. She has become very vocal and lets you know right now if she wants or needs something. She will yell l at the top of her lungs to get your attention and then when she gets what she wants she will laugh about it.

9 month checkup stats

Weight: 16 lbs 1 ounce and in the 8%

Height: 27 1/2 inches tall and in the 49%

HC: 17 3/4 inches and in the 78%

She is just a tiny bit smaller than Lila was at this age expect for her head.  Which is so crazy since Lila was premature!

At the checkup she absolutely loved the nurse. She was given one shot and then an iron test which required them to prick her finger.  She was surprisingly fine with the shot but when the nurse pricked her finger so gave her the dirtiest look as if to say “I thought we were friends”.  She just kept glaring at her.  It was really quite funny and really showed her personality.


Blowing raspberries is one of her favorite things to do. Along with mastering dada and na-na but no mama yet.




And this is our so excited face! Love it!



She loves waving and looking at her hand.  She always wants to say bye and waves her head and starts her famous yelling as to if she's saying bye.  Sometimes her hand gets to waving and she will look at it and study as if its moving on its own and she's trying to figure out why!


Big stuff


Always enjoys playing with her siblings!

Lila taking her for a ride


Playing princesses!


Guess who just starting crawling! She likes to use her feet to push off!


Bedtime consists of going to big brother and sisters room to read books with them. There is no putting this one down before they go to sleep she just won’t have it. She loves for mommy to rock her to sleep and mommy loves it too! She always rolls right to her side just like this and sleeps on her left side always. She has been going to bed by 9 pm and then sleeping until 8 or so.  Sometimes she will wake around 6:30 but she will eat and go right back to sleep.  Naps are another nightmare and mostly do not happen on any sort of schedule because there are too many distractions while trying to get her to sleep.  However, she naps great when we are out and about how strange is that!


Thursday, June 27, 2013

First Ballet Class


The girls went to their first ballet class.  When we started our 4 week gymnastics class back in April the girls always asked if we were going to ballet class.  So it was clear they really wanted to do ballet.  We started a 6 week program and Carter’s taking gymnastics during the same time.  We are doing it with our buddies Campbell, Presley and Macallen so that’s fun!


Its hard to take pictures because we watch them from behind glass.  They are very well behaved and listen well.



Carter at gymnastics with Presley and Macallen



Sunday, June 23, 2013

Happy Father’s Day




We gave daddy the picture of us above framed and a t-shirt that says “because I said so” so appropriate for us!

Daddy giving hugs for us gifts!!



The best daddy ever!


Even Maggie made the picture! The little black blob to the left!


We started the day with breakfast at our house with Grampy!


And ended the day with dinner with Papoo


Planting our Garden


We planted a vegetable and fruit garden!  Helping add planting soil!


Carter just wanted to play in the mud.


Time to water the plants


And Carter just wanted to make “chocolate milk”


Looking forward to some yummy fresh vegetable and cantaloupe!



We started playing T-Ball and daddy and papoo are the coaches!

It is pretty much an organized mess of kiddos 3 to 5 but they still have a lot of fun!

Here we are at our first practice…


At our games we mostly just want to play in the dirt.  But it is still a fun time. Our first game….
