Friday, October 19, 2012

One month old!



I can’t believe Molly is one month old already!  She is such a good baby and only cries when she is hungry and occasionally when she is trying to fight sleep.  She loves being held and snuggles right down into your arms. During the night she sleeps well, wakes to eat twice through the night and goes right back to sleep. Its amazing how easy it is with just one baby. She is trying to hold her head up and loves looking around especially when she lays in her crib.  When she is in her crib we play a light up musical seahorse. She will swing her hands around as if she is trying to touch it and it is the only time I have ever heard her coo.  She has already starting holding her head up and lifting it while she is on her belly.  I love watching her move her head around with wide eyes and take in everything around her. We have also seen quite a few sweet little smiles. We also introduced the paci and it might be an understatement to say that she loves it. 

Lila, Carter and Madelyn still love her to pieces and love giving her lots of kisses.




She was exhausted by the outfit change.


We went for our one month check up and she was 7lbs 12oz…that’s over a pound in 3 weeks.  She is in the 57% for her head, 13% for height and 17% for weight.  Looks like someone else took after daddy’s big head!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Molly’s Newborn Pictures


Molly’s Newborn Pictures taken at just 6 days old!




I almost didn't bring the kids to the newborn photo session but at the last minute and I do mean very last minute I woke the kids up from their nap dressed them in 5 minutes and loaded them up just case we could get a picture of all 4 after the photo shoot was over! And I am SOOO glad I did! This is exactly how I wanted to remember the first weeks of Molly’s life.  It shows just how much they adore her and love each other! 

Love our little (BIG) family!

