Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Molly is 12 months old

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Still a little peanut with a big head but getting heavier everyday!

17 lbs 11oz 5%

28.5 inches tall 31%

18 in head circumference 77%

She stays busy most days chasing around her brother and sisters.  She wants to be right in the action.  She hardly plays with baby toys and mostly does whatever everyone else is doing.

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She absolutely loves the great outdoors.  She will beg to go outside and play. Its so cute watching her toddle around outside.

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And she also loves climbing when given the chance


She loves to eat! She usually always eats two platefuls and is really not to picky.  She loves fruit and eggs and just about anything else.  Clearly she also loves yogurt!

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Mastering the stair climbing.  She is a pro at going up and down the stairs and thinks she can do it on her own.


She loves sitting at the table IN A CHAIR with the kids.  She can climb in and out of it by herself.


She is very vocal and expressive. If she wants to communicate with you she can pretty much let you know vocally or by expressions or hand gestures and you can completely understand what she's saying. I just cant believe much more quickly she is developing then the triplets did!


Check out this curly hair…I love it!
