Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Our First Swing set


Daddy, Papoo, Grampy and Grammy helped build our very first swing set!



We love our “playground” as they call it!  They were so excited when they seen it for the first time. They could see it from the house when they woke up that morning and were screaming and yelling…Mommy look a playground. We couldn’t get dressed fast enough and get outside to check it out.

Loving the swing


Daddy likes it too!


And so does Molly


Playhouse fun


Peek a boo



A Yummy lunch of grilled cheese and peanut butter grass





Welcome home!


And our latest trick! Sledding down the slide. They figured all this out on their own.  I seen them in the garage pulling out the sledding and running out to the yard. I thought those silly kids are going to try and slide down the hill.  Oh no…this is what I found them doing..sledding down the slide! Too funny!


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

7 months old




She finally starting sitting up just in time for her 6 month pictures on April 9th.


We've ventured on past cereal and onto veggies and a fruit:

green beans (yum)

peas (FAV)

Sweet Potatoes (big FAV)

avocadoes (surprisingly yum)

bananas (surprisingly only YUM)


And she loves eating puffs. She has very good coordination and picks them up quite easily.


For some reason she really enjoys hanging upside down. She puts herself in this position. I guess the world’s a little funnier upside down.


My little sleep fighter. She hates sleeping which is new to me because the triplets are awesome sleepers. She does anything not to close those baby blues! And looking down at this while rocking her makes it pretty hard to make her sleep.

Although last night May 8th she slept from 10:30-3:30 and woke to nurse and slept from 4-8:15 in her own bed.  This is the most sleep and the longest stretch we have had!! Hopefully it continues!


Unlike the triplets she hates tummy time. She she has no desire to push up or roll from back to belly. She prefers sitting and standing. She's already trying to stand on her own! Maybe she will be like her mama…I skipped crawling all together!


She is trying to communicate and her first words were dada and lalalala which really sounds like she was trying to say Lila! Her and Lila are pretty big buddies! She also makes all kinds sweet little noises and when the kids are yellling and playing through the house she will stiffen up and make yell out.  Almost like she is trying to get their attention!

She loves shaking her head no when she is excited or trying to tell you something.  When she is excited her whole body shakes with her head. Its so cute!

Here is Lila giving her a checkup


She took off all of Molly’s clothes on her own


And Dr Lila says she is all healthy!


Happy 7 months sweet Molly!
