Thursday, February 25, 2010

An exciting couple of days!

Its been exciting two days for the girls. Maddie went to Good Sam yesterday for a weight check and she now weighs 6lbs 12 ounces and is 19 1/4 inches long. So she has gained 1lb 2 ounces in just three more Good Sam until the regular checkup at 6 months.
Lila has had a break though and lets just PRAY that it stays that way for awhile. She has been the BEST baby and has hardly fussed at all...she just appears to be so pleasant...her belly must finally be feeling better. She has also started cooing and smiling and loves playing on her playmat. It makes us so happy to see her wanting to play and smile.
Carter is getting bigger by the minute ...if I had to guess I would say he is 13 to 14 pounds. He is our little hauss...he has lived up to his inutero!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fun Times!!!

Its been fun times in the Hoplet house lately and everyone is finally feeling well. Come on Spring hurry fast so we can get out of this house. We are ready to go on some adventures outside!

But in the mean time we will just take lots of pictures!

My precious gifts God!

Here's a little scoop on what the Hoplets have been up too....

Lila's fussing is beginning to get a little better...that or I am just getting use to it. I am starting to think that fussing is who is she and her way of communicating. She is just a needier baby than the others and craves our contact. So I have learned to just strap her to me and away I go with my chores. She's just mommy's little helper most of the time. She can put weight on legs and is cooing on occasion as well as smiling here and there. She absolutely loves her swing and I think she would be happy if we just left her in it 24 hours a day.

Madelyn's new thing is to fight sleep. She is just so afraid she is going miss something so she will start to cry as soon as her eyes start to close when its bedtime. When we put her in her crib for bed she will cry out and then as soon as we get up to go in she is out cold. Most of the time when she eats now she is too busy looking around to see what is going on to take her bottle. They are all starting to hold their heads up really well but Madelyn is the champ...she sits on your shoulder and just turns her head from side to side just taking it all in!!! She is also starting to smile at us when we talk to her which is just precious.

Carter is gooing, cooing and squealing...he is just full of conversation lately and I must say its the sweetest thing I have ever heard. The words of the day are "ooo" and "eww-ah". He LOVES his playmat...he get so excited when we lay him down on it. Just the other day he was in his activity mat laying on a boppy pillow carrying on a conversation and I look over and he is batting at the toys hanging from above. After awhile he started to get a little fussy so I moved the boppy back away from the toys thinking he might want a change in scenery and the next thing I know he has his head hanging off the back of the pillow trying to see the toys....I guess he wasn't ready to move. When he gets upset he has started sticking out his lower lip it crushes mommies heart when he does it but it is pretty cute.

We have recently made a big breakthrough in the sleep department. We still feed the babies every 3 hours during the day but are putting them down for bed at 9 and letting them sleep until they wake. So far they have been sleeping 5 to 6 hours and then we get up and eat and another 4 or 5 hours...they are usually up no later than 8...I can handle this arrangement. I really don't know how we did every three hours before!!
Babies 1st Valentine's Day!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy 3 months old!!!

The babies are 3 months old today!! Carter is starting to feel better and so far the girls haven't been sick. Mommy puts saline down their noses and plunges them every feed. Plus we have a steam bath or sit in the steaming bathroom twice a day. This has really helped Carter alot and I am hoping it keeps the girls healthy. Well this is all I have time for now...Lila and Maddie and not having a good night. They have been extremely fussy the past few nights. Just wanted to wish the babies a HAPPY 3 MONTHS...and post some new pictures!




Carter when he wasn't feeling too good but he was being such a good sport

A little sideways wink!

Maddie being so cute!

Friday, February 5, 2010

No more oxygen

Maddie is OFFICIALLY off her oxygen. We couldn't be more happy that this day has finally arrived. We had actually taken it off about 2 weeks ago because she wasn't needing it...but the doctor said on Wednesday we could send the tanks back in a few weeks just to be sure she does okay without it!
Recent weight checks:
Maddie weighs 5 lbs 10 ounces
Lila weighs 8lbs 8 ounces

Carter weighs a whopping 10 lbs 10 ounces..yes in just 2 short weeks he gained 1 lb 1 ounces..what a BIG boy!

Carter is now fighting a cold. The good thing is that he doesn't have a fever and is eating fine so we are just praying that it doesn't turn into bronchiolitis and that he doesn't give it to the girls especially Maddie. Since they were born premature it could land them in the hospital b/c their little lungs are not strong enough to fight off the infection. We are currently giving them synagis shot which are for the RSV doesn't don't protect them against it but it gives them the antibodies that they are lacking to help fight the virus. I almost decided not to give them the shot this month b/c they are a total of $3800 a month (they actually get more expensive as they get bigger b/c they need a larger dose...this is just the cost for the remainder of the season) and they are to receive them from Nov-April until they are 2 years old. Insurance does pay 80% but that it is still very costly to I guess this little incident was God telling me that I made the right decision to give them the shots despite the costs and that He will see us through

So please pray that we get through this little bug without any serious complications and that Carter feels well in a few days!