Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy 3 months old!!!

The babies are 3 months old today!! Carter is starting to feel better and so far the girls haven't been sick. Mommy puts saline down their noses and plunges them every feed. Plus we have a steam bath or sit in the steaming bathroom twice a day. This has really helped Carter alot and I am hoping it keeps the girls healthy. Well this is all I have time for now...Lila and Maddie and not having a good night. They have been extremely fussy the past few nights. Just wanted to wish the babies a HAPPY 3 MONTHS...and post some new pictures!




Carter when he wasn't feeling too good but he was being such a good sport

A little sideways wink!

Maddie being so cute!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I was googling my children's names in a moment of boredom and came across your site, your two girls have the same name as mine. if you'd like to check out my blog it's

