Monday, January 31, 2011

Sick, Playdates, and Communication


We have been pretty sick around here the past week.  It all started last Saturday when Lila woke up and had thrown up in her bed and then it was all down hill from there.  We ended up with the stomach bug it began with Lila, then Brad, Madelyn and Carter and guess who still hasn’t gotten it….me amazing!  I have never changed so many poo diapers in my life and these were not your average poo diaper if you know what I mean.  I have also never watched so many episodes of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse because nothing else would do.  We don’t watch alot of tv so you can imagine my anxiety that I had possibly created three tv junkies but that’s not the case!!  I couldn’t leave the room for even a second without a total meltdown…mommy had to be in sight at every moment so this made it hard to do anything except watch Mickey.  However, I thoroughly enjoyed all of my extra cuddle time.  Yesterday, they were finally starting to feel better and were off playing by themselves.  After this week it really makes me appreciate just how good they really can be.

Here was Carter tonight still trying to walk.  He was blowing bubbles and waving his hands everywhere while trying to walk.  I think if he would just try to do one thing at a time he might have this walking thing down my down. Its so funny how different he is from Lila when she was trying to learn to walk. She was very careful not to fall and would stop and try to catch her balance and continued to move slow and steady.  Carter on the other hand just goes full speed ahead and when he loses his balance he just flops to the floor as you will see!!

Here we are the week before we got sick….

Hello, Lila says…Here Mommy the phone is for you!1-22-11 435P1-22-11 432P 

Who let this wild beast out of the cage…Madelyn was on fire this day.

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Carter loves climbing in the box of toys.  I think he believes if he sits in the box of toys then the girls can’t get to them!

He really enjoys the little kitchen opening and closing the doors to make mommy a scrumptious dinner.

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He was also dreaming of going out and playing in all the snow we recently received but it was way too cold!!!

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Lila’s first ponytail!


Two Saturday’s ago we went for a playdate at our friend Autumns house.  Her neighbor friend even came over to play for a little while.  Here we are getting ready to eat Elana’s yummy grilled cheese sandwiches! 

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Autumn giving Madelyn hugs

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Taking over Autumn’s bed…they all ran back to her room and jumped right into her bed

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What’s going on outside??

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Playing peacefully for 2 seconds:)

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Autumn tackling Carter

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Then the next day we went to visit our other friend, Izzy

We loved her huge ball pit

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Lately we have been communicating really well.

We are trying to learn sign language.  So far Lila and Madelyn can say “milk” and “all done” and Lila can also say “more”.  Of course, they only do this when they feel like it but its progress.  Carter doesn’t seem interested at all in signing at all…just like his dad! 

We are also trying to say words…mama(finally), dada, baba, bye, hi, done, num num, duck, dog ,cat, ball, book and the favorite is mmmmmmm whenever they eat something they really like.  There maybe a few more but that is all I can recall that we say alot. 

Lila is also following instructions.  I will ask her to go into the other room and get something and she does it and brings it back. Carter and Madelyn do so as well but not to the extent that Lila does.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy 14 months old


Happy 14 months old and in just a few days its Happy Adjusted First Birthday!  Their actual due date was January 13th….that’s so hard to believe that they would just be turning one!!!

Here are our faces of the day….

A very happy Carter today…he was in the best mood today.  But he currently has 6 teeth and I think he is working on another…hence the chewing of the fingers!

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As always a very happy Madelyn…look at those little pearly whites.  And she is my little eating champ…she loves food right now and is eating so well!  Here she is eating some mandarin oranges!

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And Lila takes the prize for the best cheese.  What a face…she is little miss smiley lately.   I think she loves the freedom of walking:)  And look at this hair…out of control!

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We had been taking just one bottle a day in the morning since our first birthday but after Christmas we finally gave that up too and to my surprise they didn’t even care.  So just the other day I finally cleaned off all of the bottles from counter.  In a funny way I was sad to see them go but excited to get my counter space back and not have to wash anymore bottles…YIPPEE!!!

Its been awhile since I posted our schedule so I thought it would be fun to see how much its changed:

7:45am- wake and drink sippy cup of milk while they waller over mommy who lays in the floor to try and wake up…lol!

8:30am-change diapers and then mommy heads to kitchen to make breakfast

9am-eat breakfast

9-10:30am-playtime while mommy cleans up the kitchen and then comes to play

10:30-noon-nap while mommy does chores, checks email, and starts lunch


noon-2:30pm-playtime while mommy cleans up the kitchen and then more playtime with mommy or what some mickey mouse clubhouse:)

2:30pm-snack time

3:30-5:00pm- nap time…more mommy chores and check up on her social networking aka facebook lol

5-6pm- play while mommy get dinner ready

6pm-dinner time

6:30pm-straight to bath tub from dinner table

7-8pm-get ready for bed and play and enjoy a little more milk and then its off to bed!!

As you can tell mommy enjoys the two naps a day…I really hope we can keep those two naps for awhile:0)

When Lila wakes up early from a nap she likes to help mommy clean out her cabinets!!!


My attempt at a together picture..not successful today!!!  Lila says this is boring as Carter steal Madelyn’s bow and she laughs at him…never a dull moment!


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year


As we well know the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is quite a hit in our house…in fact nothing else will do.  Here is Madelyn dancing and waving at Mickey.  The closing song is called hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog and no matter where they are in the house they all come running to watch.  So turn up your sound and listen in on the excitement!!!

And the couch isn’t quite big enough for all of us to sit on and watch Mickey.


Getting ready for New Year’s Day festivities…don’t we look cute!


Madelyn trying to get into the cabinets and petting Mamoo’s dog, Lacey

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Carter raiding the snack cabinet and using the chair as a walker…he was scooting the chair across the floor.

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Sheww this New Year’s stuff is exhausting.  Lila was trying to put all three cups in one hand…she was doing a pretty good job and wouldn’t give up!!  Josh downloaded the hot dog song on his IPOD and Lila was hugging it as it sang to her…she wouldn’t give it up as we had to pry it out of her hands.


Walking update:

Lila is now walking everywhere.  She just laugh and giggles when she get going…she just loves walking.

Carter is taking steps and trying to get moving.  He likes to grab a hold of your leg or pants and walk around the house with you or have you hold his hand while he walks.

And on New Years Madelyn took two steps on her own two days before First Steps was coming to evaluate her development.  Cognitively and socially she is exceeding in those skills.  She is a little behind on her gross motor skills but not enough to worry..she will catch up…she always does.  She was having so much fun with the evaluator and was showing off.  It was as if she was saying look what I can do…like she knew what was happening…she is just too funny!!!