Thursday, June 2, 2011

The new Crazy!


We have entered a new world of crazy around here.  We are into everything and I do mean everything!

Carter is the new Spiderman and he does a great job playing the role.  He loves climbing on everything!


And he loves picking on Lila. His new favorite way to pick on her is by grabbing her around the neck and pulling her to the floor and then pins her down.  Poor Lila!


Carter Wrestling Lila

We have also figured out that Madelyn fits perfectly in the doll stroller and Lila and Carter have a blast pushing her around despite mommy telling them no and eventually removing the stroller from their sight!


Pushing Madelyn in the baby stroller


We even wear crazy sunglasses


And crazy hats!


Madelyn has started talking up a storm….

Over Memorial Day weekend we went to the park for the first time to actually play on the equipment. 

We loved the slides


Carter of course made a few friends while we were there.  He tried so hard to play with the older kids and then finally settled with a dad who was there with his daughter.  He was sitting on the ground cross legged and Carter went right up to him and sat in his lap.  Hilarious but then he took off his hat and was trying to put it on and off.  Thankfully the man thought it was pretty funny!


Mommy and daddy were exhausted trying to keep up with these three going in three totally different directions!


Laughter is the best medicine!!!

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