Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy 13 Months Old


We celebrated our first Thanksgiving with lots of yummy food. 

Here we are ready to party…


Eating yummy food…Lila was sampling what everyone else had our their trays.  She always thinks someone must have something better than what she has and she has to make sure she is not missing it.


Here’s Lila making friends with cousin Brynnlee.  She was really watching here and trying to play.


Madelyn busy playing on the computer…can’t you I am trying to focus here people!!


Here we are one day after church…I thought they looked so cute all dressed up that day and had to capture the moment:0)

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Mommy had a photo session and I think I got some really cute ones…

Lila is busy trying to walk…finally.  She has been experimenting since 11 months but just didn’t seem to have the confidence and also found it faster to get somewhere by just crawling.  I am not sure that I am ready for a walker but she is taking more and more steps each day.  She still loves to sit in your lap but when she is ready to get up there is no stopping her.  She is a very busy little girl and loves to eat.  She loves fruit and when you give her something she really likes you can’t dish it out fast enough on her tray!!

IMG_8105lila! IMG_8110lila!! IMG_8144final!

Madelyn has really taken off since the birthday in so many ways.  She is still little but is getting so long.  She really enjoys being social with everyone and has started giving flying kisses.  When you make the kissing sound makes the lip smack sound back at you…we love it!!  We have all starting eating all meals together and that includes dinner as a whole family…its actually going really well.  They really like talking at the table and one will yell and then the other will yell louder and so on.  One might say this would be annoying but they are doing it because they are happy and enjoying spending time with us and that is awesome feeling!  During this time, she (the clown) likes to curl up nose and make a snorting noise, we do it back to her and then Lila joins in…Carter is too busy eating:0)    

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Carter is ALL boy through and through.  He is rough, he enjoys tormenting his sisters and he is very head strong but he still loves to give open mouth kisses and wallers you to death trying to cuddle.  I have a gate that separates the play room from the kitchen and its a play yard so its not attached the wall but lately I have had to put a chair against it and the wall to keep Carter out but what does he do he stands and pushes as hard as he can until he gets through…very headstrong.  But he knows how to smooth it over with that great big grin…I try so hard not to smile back:0)

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My multiples group had a Santa Luncheon last Sunday and we got to meet Santa and Mrs. Clause.

Here we come Santa…


Eating Lunch


We were not too thrilled with Santa….we screamed and cried and then when we stood behind Santa they could still see him and didn’t like that either.

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