Saturday, September 4, 2010

Pictures, Goodbye Friend and the Museum


My high school friend Sarah took these great pictures of the babies when we were in Jackson for the wedding.  She did an amazing job…I just love them all.  Here are a few favorites and then click below on the link to see the entire album…enjoy!


Sarah Williams Photography

Sarah Williams Photography 

Collage 3

9 months picture album click here

Mommy photo shoot….

08.27.10 773



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08.27.10 808

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08.27.10 943

My favorite

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Taking a break to swing….

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Our early birthday present from Grammy and Grampy Whetsel….they love it and so does mommy.  There is no crying in stores now because they just love riding in it…let’s hope that continues. 

Here is our first ride in the new wagon


Madelyn hanging on for dear life


Lila just chilling


Carter…hey guys what are you doing back there….


We have been moving and grooving around the Hopperton house.  Carter is officially crawling…its a slow crawl and he barrels through (nothing graceful about his crawling) but he gets where he needs to go.  When he pulls himself to stand he is notorious for holding a toy and letting go and falling right back on his head.  As you can see below there will be no more swing for Carter…his blankie was on the floor and I think he was trying to reach it.  Crazy kid….he gets this from his dad:)


Lila aka Miss Independent.  You can rest assure that if you can’t find her she is usually hiding in the tunnel or off playing by herself.  She enjoys playing with Carter and Madelyn but also enjoys her alone time.  Here she is hiding her toys in the tunnel…she moved them all in there on her own. 


Madelyn is trying to stand on her own.  Everyone is pulling to stand and can stand while holding on to something but recently appears that she is trying to stand up on her own.  I am not sure she has the balance to do this yet but she sure is trying.  Everyone is also teething but Madelyn was the first to get her teeth and not one but two.  They came in pretty quickly and she really didn’t fuss too much…just an awful diaper rash.


Update on mommy…its time to say goodbye to my trusty old friend.  I have finally given up pumping.  As of today I have went an entire day without it so I think we are ready to give it up completely.  I am so happy that I was able to give the babies breast milk for 9 1/2 months.  My initial goal was to at least pump for 6 months but it just became part of my daily routine and I enjoyed the fact that I was helping to nourish them and not to mention that it saved us a WHOLE LOT of money.  However, I can hardly find a moment to do it now.  With only two naps a day and everyone on the move, loads of laundry, making baby food, cleaning dishes and bottles, cleaning the house and the list continues that I was finding it hard to find anytime to do it so I knew it was time to give it up!

We enjoyed our first trip to the Cincinnati’s Children’s Museum.  They had a free Friday so we thought we would check it out.  



Madelyn had her game face on

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We went with the Jenkin’s triplets and here is Zach playing with the girls


Colby driving the fire truck while Lila stands in the way


Mommy reading to Lila while Carter tries to read the book himself


Mommy reading to Zach and Lila



Playing patty cake with Zack


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Playing patty cake with Avery as Lila decides to stand on the chair


Its hard to believe in just a little over 2 month’s my babies will be a year old.  Last year around this time I was told that I had to go on bedrest and could not work for the duration of my pregnancy…that just seems like yesterday:P)

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