Friday, August 6, 2010

A trip to Jackson and busy babies

What an adventure it has been just since my last post and only a few days until 9 months. I can’t believe it! With two girls on the move life has gotten much more interesting. I say the word “no” so much that I say it in my sleep but I think it might finally be catching on. I have converted the dining room into a playroom and it is completely baby proof so I can put them somewhere safe when I need to get something done. But I also (for now) like being able to teach them that there are something's we must not touch and know what it means when mommy says “no don’t touch”. This philosophy might soon change but for now I feel like it is working. As you can see Lila LOVES the dog food and water but is learning what “no” means. As exhausting as it is to keep telling her and moving her into the other room I think she might be catching on. She still goes for the bowl but does at least stop and look at me and think about what her next move will be.



Both of the girls are really on the move. Madelyn likes chasing Maggie (our dog) around the house, however Maggie is not very found of any of the babies. She is also starting to stand up and once she is up she is a bit frightened because she can’t figure out how to get down. She is crawling and exploring everything!

Lila is standing, climbing, you name it and she tries it. She is her daddy through and through…daredevil. Check out the bruises on the poor child’s head. She doesn’t even cry when she falls so half the time I have no idea that she has even fell until I see the bruise pop up. She loves to inspect the smallest thing. She will have large toy but will find the smallest thing on it and try to pick it up with her fingers.


Carter is rolling everywhere and is trying really hard to stand up. I think he may just skip crawling all together. We have the laugh and learn kitchen and there is a sink that you can drop a ball in and it come out at the bottom. I showed him how to put the ball in and watch it drop out at the bottom. He will sit forever and drop the ball down the sink and pick it back up and do it again…it was just the coolest thing to watch him figure it out.

During one of the hot July days the girls found the air conditioning vent and they were infatuated with it. The spent quite some time letting the air blow on their faces!!!

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We had our first big pool swim at Aunt Mishelle’s house.

Madelyn loves the water. She was trying to swim kicking her legs and arm and hitting her hands in the water making a splash.

Kera and Madelyn


Carter really liked the water too. He kept trying to drink the water and enjoyed every minute of it!

Josh and Carter


Lila was scared of the water and it took her quite sometime before she felt comfortable but when she did she had a blast.

Mommy and Lila


This is the girls nap and nightly routine. They have to stand up and talk to each other before they lay down for there nap or before bedtime. However, recently Madelyn has learned to stand in her crib and can’t always figure out how to get down so she screams and cries until I come to the rescue.


You caught us mom!!!


Playing together


We attended the Kendall triplet girls birthday party and enjoyed some playtime…

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Our first long trip to Jackson…we came in for our cousin Jennifer’s wedding. We left on Friday and didn’t come home until Wednesday. They did so well being away from home and slept great in the make shift nursery we created out of pack and plays.

Getting ready to go to the wedding…..

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A family photo….


The bride and groom…Cousin Jennifer and Nick with the babies!


Too much excitement…Lila getting a quick nap at the reception


Mommy dancing with Carter


Great Uncle Dale and Madelyn danced most of the night…she loved it!!!


I gave Carter his first trim…I just couldn’t stand it any longer!!!


Finally back home and some pool time on the back deck!

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Words of the day….

Lila is saying…babababa and dadadada…yeah she said da da first even though she has no idea what she is saying!

Madelyn is saying…ahhh ewww

Carter is saying….eye eeeeee and aaaa ba

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