Saturday, July 10, 2010

Happy 8 month’s old


Happy 8 months old!!!!

The avocados didn’t go over as well as expected.  I thought for sure after months of mommy eating them like crazy they would have at least had a taste for them.  Here was the outcome….

Madelyn would not open up for anything after she got a taste of the avocado and once she did finally ate a bite of cereal she was very skeptical that I would try to sneak in another bite of that yucky green stuff.


Lila I think is going to at least be willing to try new foods.  She tried really hard to like the avocado but after a few bites this was the result.


It officially Carter is his daddy…the first result resulted in a gag!!!  And then his funny Carter face!!!


So we moved right on from avocados and didn’t even try them the next day.  We have now had a taste of peas and apples (which came from grammy and grappy’s apple trees).  Speaking of that I don’t know if I mentioned that we are making homemade baby food.  The first and obvious reason is the cost and the second is why not…its super easy and I know when and where it was made. I simply put the fresh or frozen fruit or veggie in the magic bullet and it purees it to the perfect consistency.

Our first 4th of July wore us all out.  It was a very hot day and we had church that morning and then off to the Perry’s with the Hopperton clan for a fun filled day.  We stayed long enough to watch fireworks!!

Madelyn finally giving it up!!

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Lila enjoyed just sitting in a swing

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And Carter was really enjoying the bottle that Aunt Shell was letting him play with!

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We had a playdate with Izzy…here is Carter playing with her hair…ahh

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The best group picture we could get!

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Here is mommy’s 4th of July photo shot…

Carter Group group_smiles


Carter is loving sitting up…here he is enjoying looking at himself!

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Lila is currently on the move everywhere…she is now trying to get up on her knees to pull up and is trying to finally sit on her bottom after being on all fours.  She also loves pushing this toy around.

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Madelyn is up on all fours now and is rocking back and forth…it won’t be long!!!


Today starts Daddy’s vacation…9 days with the family…I bet he will be ready to go back to work by the end.  This will be the longest stretch of time that he has spent with us since they were born.  We are so excited…we plan to do some work around the house, spend some quality time together, and maybe take a couple of day trips.  We are also going to be the Owen County Fair’s Baby Contest on Friday!!!

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