Monday, March 29, 2010

First Outing

Well we finally did it...we came out of hibernation and went to church yesterday. It was very liberating to go out together as a family. We had plans to make our first outing Easter but decided we had better do a test run to be sure we could make it there in time. All in all it wasn't that bad. We just need to have a plan of action and be ready to go the night before:) We were immediately greeted at the door by all of our great friends and it was so nice to see everyone. The girls loved all of the attention but for some reason Carter wasn't too happy. He kept sticking out his bottom lip and by the time we were ready to go he had started to cry. I guess it was just a little overwhelming to him which is strange because he is usually the most social of the bunch. Lila stayed with Papoo, Maddie was talking up a storm to Lora Mae and Carter was snoring on Beth's shoulder. Needless to say we didn't have to hold a baby the entire service!! We are so blessed and grateful to have such a great church family!

Getting ready to go to church

The whole family....including the mags!

After church...exhausted!!

There is never a dull moment around this house. Everyone loves the toy was a second hand steal and boy am I glad I got it...they love the mobile that is on it and below is a picture of Carter mesmerised by it. Carter is always talking up a storm and every morning you can hear him in his crib patiently waiting for his turn to eat and he is just talking to himself in the softest most sweetest little voice. He is defiantly a mama's boy and just smiles so big when he sees me!

And Miss Social can't keep this girl quite. When Grammie Judy and Mamoo Hopperton feed her they can't look her in the eye b/c they can't contain themselves...they want to talk to her and Maddie talks right back and won't eat. She would much rather be chatting and looking around at everyone than eating. She has the most precious smile that takes up her whole face and is irresistible. Here is Maddie below looking adorable in her hat.

All of a sudden one day Lila decided to start lifting her head when on her belly. Now as soon as you lay her on her belly that head pops right up. Its as if she discovered something awesome. Here she is below raising her head up and looking so sweet! She isn't talking has much but has the cutest smile with some precious little dimples.

All of the babies love looking at themselves in the mirror. As soon as they see the mirror with that baby staring back at them they just start wiggling and laughing!!! They are also grabbing toys especially those that hang down from their playmats. Its so awesome to finally see them interacting so much. We are really looking forward to what the next few months will bring!

AND THE THUMBS....yep they all found them. Carter is a thumb sucker for sure...its ALWAYS in his mouth. When we go in to get him in the mornings from his crib he has it in his mouth, naps in his mouth and before bed in it goes. I have to say its pretty cute right now. Lila found her thumb as well but really just enjoys chewing and sucking on all of her fingers! And finally yesterday Maddie found hers...she has been working on it for quite some time but just couldn't quite get her thumb in the right place.

Finally we had an Easter photo shoot...we had to get all dressed up in our Easter outfits and take some pictures. The babies idea of course;-)

SISTERS...yes I did say I would never dress them alike but you have to admit this dress is adorable and they look pretty cute dressed alike. They have different colored cardigans and headbands though!!

Sleeping beauty...Lila the shaft...the girls were starting to fuss so we had to make his picture quick!

He looks a little frustrated with the whole situation:)
Angelic Maddie

Then clothes come off and the babies are HAPPY!!

The side smirk!

Lila eating her fingers

AH...I love being naked!

In just 12 short days the babies will be 5 months old on their daddy's birthday. Oh.... where has the time gone!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Jenny - you are brave! And I think it's difficult getting all 3 of us ready for church (Andrew & I included in the 3:) They look adorable in their dress clothes! How much fun you must be having! You are so blessed! Now that Lila is rolling, you are in for it! She'll be across the room before you know it & then all three:) Keep taking lots of pictures, I love seeing them grow!
