Tuesday, July 5, 2011

19 month checkup


We went to our 19 month checkup and we have finally started catching up!! 

Lila 23.5 pounds 27%, 34 inches 91%

Carter 29.5 pounds 83%. 34 1/4 inches 85%

Madelyn 18.5 pounds 0%, 32 1/4 inches 22%

These are percentiles for their actual age so this is very exciting news!!!

On Wednesday, we went back to Physical Therapy to get Carters Sure Step braces.

Here is what they look like


And he has to always wear shoes with them so when he has the shoes on you can’t even see them!


He doesn’t seem to mind them at all.  I thought for sure when we put them on he would fight it all the way.  He seems to have better control with them on as well.  Madelyn also got her shoe inserts and she seems to also be doing really well with them. Our PT was very impressed with what Madelyn and Carter were doing and of course Lila gets in on the fun too.  Most kids their age have trouble going up and down inclines…down being the hardest and guess what Carter was the best at…going down.  Go figure!!!  They also walked well on a balance beam and had fun jumping on a trampoline.  We also chased a ball down the hall and Madelyn was like lightening speed with her inserts in her shoes!


Lila is talking even more now. She is carrying on complete conversations in Lila language with expressions and all and expects me to understand what she is saying.  Out of the blue she started saying “pop” (what I call a can of soda) and I did not teach her to say that!! She is also saying “peas” for please which is the cutest thing ever and you cannot deny her anything when she says peas.  Her favorite is “side peas” for outside please.  I am very thankful for her good manners!  She also loves her shoes…she is constantly yelling “shoes” because she wants them on. 




Carter favorite thing to during our naptime and bedtime routine is get the gigantic Santa book (the book is as big as he is).  When you point at the cookies his response is “mmmm”, then he turns the page and points to every object in the book saying “dat” and waiting for a response before moving on.  Then we get to Santa and when you ask him what Santa says he puckers his lips up and says “ho” and just recently we have gotten “ho ho” out.  He is finally saying a few words “tee” or tree and “nack” for snack followed by “mmmmm”. 


Dressed up like a cowboy!




Madelyn is always loving her dolls and stuffed animals.  She will hold it up to her chest and or face and say “awe” as she is doing above with her pound puppy.  Cutest thing every!  She still isn’t saying real words yet but one day she said shoes plain as day and something tells me that she can really say more than she lets on.  Every time we go outside Madelyn has to find a Pet Rock which she carries around the entire time we are out playing and even tries to carry it inside!

And she loves her beads!!!



Happy Father’s Day to Daddy!

Carter was the messiest when making Daddy’s gift but thankfully it was washable paint!


Opening Daddy’s present for him.


Look what we did!!


Proud of their work!


Our creation


Daddy relaxing on his other gift on Father’s Day!


We are now eating right up on the table and doing such a great job!!!


We got a new toy because we were driving mommy nuts with all the climbing we wanted to do…so hopefully this helps!


Reading with Mamoo…a lap full now!!!


Just some sweet pictures…all dressed up!


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