Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year


As we well know the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is quite a hit in our house…in fact nothing else will do.  Here is Madelyn dancing and waving at Mickey.  The closing song is called hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog and no matter where they are in the house they all come running to watch.  So turn up your sound and listen in on the excitement!!!

And the couch isn’t quite big enough for all of us to sit on and watch Mickey.


Getting ready for New Year’s Day festivities…don’t we look cute!


Madelyn trying to get into the cabinets and petting Mamoo’s dog, Lacey

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Carter raiding the snack cabinet and using the chair as a walker…he was scooting the chair across the floor.

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Sheww this New Year’s stuff is exhausting.  Lila was trying to put all three cups in one hand…she was doing a pretty good job and wouldn’t give up!!  Josh downloaded the hot dog song on his IPOD and Lila was hugging it as it sang to her…she wouldn’t give it up as we had to pry it out of her hands.


Walking update:

Lila is now walking everywhere.  She just laugh and giggles when she get going…she just loves walking.

Carter is taking steps and trying to get moving.  He likes to grab a hold of your leg or pants and walk around the house with you or have you hold his hand while he walks.

And on New Years Madelyn took two steps on her own two days before First Steps was coming to evaluate her development.  Cognitively and socially she is exceeding in those skills.  She is a little behind on her gross motor skills but not enough to worry..she will catch up…she always does.  She was having so much fun with the evaluator and was showing off.  It was as if she was saying look what I can do…like she knew what was happening…she is just too funny!!!

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