Monday, June 3, 2013

Molly’s 8 months old


Molly is 8 months old!!!

She has started yelling when she wants attention. She does it very loudly and then laughs as if she is trying to talk over her sisters and brother. She gets pretty excited when she sees them and wants to make sure she's not forgotten. They love playing with her and she loves it too! 

Lately she has began pulling up to stand when holding onto someone's hand.  She can also hang onto a fixture and keep herself pretty steady.  She is wiggly wiggly though and is starting to lounge forward like she is wants to crawl but still hasn’t figured it out yet and I am totally ok with that!  



When prompted by someone waving at her she waves back sometimes her wave is this two handed arms in the air wave.  She gets really excited when she sees people she knows but is still pretty uneasy around those she doesn’t see often and strangers.


Can you please tell me why you are taking these pictures?!?!


Carter trying to help mommy make Molly smile


I think she looks a lot like my baby pictures in this one!


Standing tall…she loves this exersaucer!


Just looking cute as always!


She loves dancing and bouncing when someone is holding her facing outward.  At church when the music is playing she will be dancing around pumping her feet up and down as hard as she can and screaming at the top of her lungs!!


Molly loves eating and even more so she loves feeding herself.  If it was her way she would be eating all of her meals by her fingers only. If she even sees someone else eating she wants some too and you had better get her something quick or she will let you know about it!


She just these two cute little teeth.


I just can’t get enough of these sweet little hands and feet.  These too soon will be


I love these big eyes full of excitement and wonderment!


She loves taking a bath in this bath tub and splashing around


Trying to sleep is really hard work!!


She is finally sleeping through the night in her bed in her own room!  Big deal for momma as I would have been ok if she would have slept in our room for awhile longer but I knew it was time.  Time for both of us to try and sleep a little better.  The first week she woke up once or twice and then week two once and then bam…mostly sleeping through the night or only getting up once with very little help getting back to sleep! She still hates the act of falling asleep and fights it because there is no going to bed before the triplets get to bed so she is overtired by that point.  Mostly because she doesn’t like to nap either!!


Sweet dreams my precious little baby and please stop growing so fast!

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