Friday, December 2, 2011



November has been filled with reasons to be thankful! 

We celebrated 2 years of life for three very special little people.  Ill be honest its really hard to imagine that its already been 2 years and its even more unbelievable what these three little miracles have made it through and what obstacles they have already overcome in their short lives.  From the moment of conception, through the challenges in utero, being born prematurely and then to beating every statistic not in their favor and I am now so thankful to say that we are all caught up developmentally.  WOW…I just can’t even put into words how grateful I feel to God for answering every single prayer we asked.  Maybe not in the way that we expected but it all worked out perfectly just as He had planned and we are so thankful!

Carter and Madelyn went for their 2 year evaluation with Good Sam’s High Risk Follow up team (Lila had graduated at 17 months).  At the age of 2, they consider a premature baby to be caught up by this age so they are no longer looked at by their adjusted age for development.  So we went into the evaluation knowing that they would probably be behind and I just knew they would need speech therapy.  I went in with the attitude that whatever questions they asked if was on the fence as to whether the kids were doing that behavior or not I would say no. This way if we were behind we could do what we needed to get us caught up instead of stretching the truth and then worry later that maybe I should have answered differently. I can’t even begin to explain the emotions that I felt when it was all over and Dr Wedig told me that they had graduated from the program and they considered them to be developmentally caught up. They were so impressed with their social skills as well and complimented many times on how willing they were to give up toys when asked!!  We are beaming with joy and for a moment I was almost sad that once we have a few more visits with Physical Therapy to be sure our inserts are working properly we will be done!  I failed to mention that Carter is no longer wearing braces because they were doing him more harm than good so we are now in a simple insert and he is doing better than expected and even preforming motor skills of children older than his age.  Madelyn is doing exceptionally well with her motor skills and is pretty much finished with PT!

We also went to visit Dr Cunha for our 2 years check!!!  It will be a whole year before we return for a well check.  It will seem like forever…we love going to visit Dr Chris!  Everything checked out great and our latest stats are:

Lila- 25 lbs 29%; 35 1/4 inches tall 84%

Carter- 31 lbs 77% (although the scale registered 33 lbs at first it shifted to 31 and I know he weighs that more because I have weighed him at home many times and if that true he has only gained a 1 lb since 19 months and my back know better) 36 1/4 inches tall 90%

Madelyn- 20lbs 0%; 33 1/4 inches tall 32% (WOW)

Talking Talking Talking

Madelyn is saying two words and speaks very clearly only when she wants to do of course.  Her pronunciation is amazing almost like and adult!

Lila knows more words everyday and is almost talking in sentences.  Hallelujah she can tell me what she wants or just what she is thinking and its so cute…I love it!

Carter on the other hand doesn’t say as much but will talk but you give that boy a book and he can say just about every object in the book!

We love door-ah (dora) and mack-e (mickey) or mimi (minnie as madelyn says).  The girls love talking back to the tv as dora and mickey asks them questions and Madelyn is always laughing at the tv its hilarious!  Carter is usually just in trance..typical guy!

Just being silly!!!


See ya mommy im going shopping!  We were trying on our new coat, new purse and new slippers and she would not take them off!


Very much enjoying our new present from Ms Sarah!


Watching the big truck drive down our driveway to bring us gas for our fireplace!


This laptop is hilarious!


Thanksgiving…so much to be thankful for!


Ring around the rosey with our cousin Brynlee!


Helping daddy hang lights!!


Oh look guys a deer!


Seeing the masterpiece when it was all done!


Santa BABY!!!


Gearing up for Christmas fun…we have been good Santa~


This is NOT my son…he is so particular with everything he does…All of his little people you can find anywhere all lined up perfectly and everything has its place. Me on the other hand…I can barely find my keys!!  He takes after his daddy and mamoo!!


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