Happy 15 Months Old!!!
Most mornings I wake to laughter coming from the babies bedroom. When being woke at 7:30am it is the sweetest sound to hear. Before laying them down for their morning and afternoon naps they almost jump for joy at the excitement of going to their room for a nap. After I have put them in their crib and leave their is usually laughter for the next half hour to an hour. I am not sure what the excitement is all about but I wish I had a spy cam!
Below is a video of them after they had woke from their morning nap. Its not the best quality but you can hear the excitement and laughter of seeing mommy and daddy as we enter the room to get them.
Here is my best attempt at a Valentine’s Day photo…Lila wasn’t too excited about it, Carter kept trying to turn around in his chair and Madelyn was saying enough already!!

Doesn’t Carter just look so sweet in this picture…well he is most of time but he can also be SO hard headed. I gently call his name when he is doing something he shouldn’t be and its as if I am talking to a brick wall. So I raise my voice and nothing and then I tap him on the shoulder and finally I get a response and what do I get…a huge smile as if to say you can’t yell at me look how cute I am. Oh what a handful he is going to be! His new favorite thing to do is stand on the chair which is something he is not suppose to be doing and then he gives that sweet smile and just laughs when I ask him to sit down. Needless to say for now the chairs only come out once a day…snack time!

He is very much like his mother and has a hard time getting moving in the morning…Madelyn has the same problem but Lila just goes full force from the moment those feet hit the ground.
Is it possible to stick this entire lego in my mouth…let me try!

Carter is ALL boy…he is a climber, the dare devil and he loves to get messy. One morning I thought they might enjoy blueberry pancakes for breakfast but it never crossed my mind that it would be messy. Well just take a look at Carter and then notice how clean his sister are…he can make a mess of anything!
He loves standing at the gate watching the tv as close as possible and looking so cute in his bibs!
Carter is the comedian of the family and if you want to roll in laughter all you have to do is just watch him for a few hours. He stubbles around trying to walk and sometimes like as if you spun him around a million times and let him down to try to walk and then just flops to the floor but gets right back up like nothing ever happened. Here he is getting much better at walking.
Madelyn is finally getting some hair. I think I have mentioned before that I thought she was going to be a tomboy and lately she has shown me signs that she is not girly at all. She gets this little smirk on her face when I get her all dressed up and say “you look so cute”. As if she is telling me “come on mom I just want some sweat pants”. When I try to put a bow in her hair the very second I put it in she is pulling it right back out.
She loves making a funny faces for the camera. She is so funny with her facial expressions and is always making goofy faces. She also enjoys pointing at everything and everyone especially if you are doing something she wants you to know she seen. This child could eat an entire box of crackers…she is obsessed and when we haven’t given her any she points at the box and cries until of course I give in. She also might be the lefty of the family like her daddy because she has been using her left hand alot when pointing, using her spoon and waving so far.

She loves to suck her thumb and twirl her hair. She is a tv junkie and if Mickey Mouse clubhouse is on you bet she will be sitting there through the entire show in which most of it she is sucking her thumb and twirling that hair.

She enjoys telling us “no” by shaking her head no very sharply. She says no for everything
The rougher the better for Madelyn she loves being swung around, hung upside down and tossed around. She loves it and laughs and giggles the entire time! She also has an infatuation with belly buttons. She loves them!!! She will pull of your shirt continually and poke at your belly button and just laugh and laugh!!

Taking some of her first stable steps and she was SOO proud of herself. She was also cooking mommy some lunch.

Here she walking a little distance…
Lila is a very busy little girl. She is always running around and giggling as she goes about her day. She enjoys bringing her brother and her sister their blankies, their sippy cups or a special toy. At first I thought oh what a great little helper she is being but I soon realized that she is just trying to make sure they have what they need so they do not come after what she has…smart cookie! She is also trying to say words that you say and will following instructions even better now. She also knows where her nose is and where mommy’s is and daddy’s and the stuffed bear and whoever else is at the house that day. But she really isn’t interested in any other body part!!
Here she is with that sweet little giggly grin and a serious look.

Lila is SO girly!! She loves getting dressed up and after I get her dressed she just looks down at her outfit and just grins like “don’t I look so cute”. One of the outfits she just loved….
She has also taken an interest in posing for the camera and then she wants to look at the picture immediately and then take another picture.
Here she is cheesy, saying no way mommy and a pretty pose.

Here she is helping mommy sort through her purchases. She just loved looking through all of the clothes.

She also enjoys tormenting her brother and her sister. Here she is putting a bow in Carter’s hair!
We have occasionally been letting the babies explore the kitchen while we are making their meals. Well I haven’t had the opportunity to completely proof the kitchen…of course all hazards items are locked up. I had forgotten that I even had food coloring in the cabinet until someone reminded me. Luckily, I was standing right next to her before it got too messy or she got it on anyone else.
We were loving playing with the diaper box that was delivered that day. Which brings me to a friend who recently asked me how many diapers we go through because of the size of this box. I hadn’t really thought of it lately but after I figured it out I was a little depressed. Its not as much as the 10-12 newborn diapers a day times three. But now its more like 5-6 diapers a day per kid which equals out to 465-558 diapers a month not to mention all the wipes and butt cream we go through. So when can we start potty training???

We are finally eating our snacks at our big kid table and actually sitting there the entire time.

Is it quite obvious that Carter has a crush on Izzy…as soon as he saw her recently he immediately started chasing after her and trying to give her a big open mouth kiss! Here he is pushing her in a stroller like a gentlemen.

We had some Super bowl battle wounds!! Carter fell and busted his lip earlier in the day and then fell two more times busting it again…poor kid he is so clumsy. Then Madelyn fell at a friends house later that day on a step and bit her lip in a couple of places and scratched her poor little chin. Thankfully Lila has not joined the busted lip group because I don’t think she would have handled it quite as well.