But in the mean time we will just take lots of pictures!
My precious gifts God!
Here's a little scoop on what the Hoplets have been up too....
Lila's fussing is beginning to get a little better...that or I am just getting use to it. I am starting to think that fussing is who is she and her way of communicating. She is just a needier baby than the others and craves our contact. So I have learned to just strap her to me and away I go with my chores. She's just mommy's little helper most of the time. She can put weight on legs and is cooing on occasion as well as smiling here and there. She absolutely loves her swing and I think she would be happy if we just left her in it 24 hours a day.
Madelyn's new thing is to fight sleep. She is just so afraid she is going miss something so she will start to cry as soon as her eyes start to close when its bedtime. When we put her in her crib for bed she will cry out and then as soon as we get up to go in she is out cold. Most of the time when she eats now she is too busy looking around to see what is going on to take her bottle. They are all starting to hold their heads up really well but Madelyn is the champ...she sits on your shoulder and just turns her head from side to side just taking it all in!!! She is also starting to smile at us when we talk to her which is just precious.
Carter is gooing, cooing and squealing...he is just full of conversation lately and I must say its the sweetest thing I have ever heard. The words of the day are "ooo" and "eww-ah". He LOVES his playmat...he get so excited when we lay him down on it. Just the other day he was in his activity mat laying on a boppy pillow carrying on a conversation and I look over and he is batting at the toys hanging from above. After awhile he started to get a little fussy so I moved the boppy back away from the toys thinking he might want a change in scenery and the next thing I know he has his head hanging off the back of the pillow trying to see the toys....I guess he wasn't ready to move. When he gets upset he has started sticking out his lower lip it crushes mommies heart when he does it but it is pretty cute.
We have recently made a big breakthrough in the sleep department. We still feed the babies every 3 hours during the day but are putting them down for bed at 9 and letting them sleep until they wake. So far they have been sleeping 5 to 6 hours and then we get up and eat and another 4 or 5 hours...they are usually up no later than 8...I can handle this arrangement. I really don't know how we did every three hours before!!
Babies 1st Valentine's Day!!!
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