The Hopperton generation Terry, Brad, Mawmaw and the babies
I can't even begin to explain how blessed we feel to have three beautiful healthy babies!! They are absolutely amazing. Even though we are sleep deprived I wouldn't want it any other way. My mom has been here helping us feed the babies, clean, do laundry and clean bottles. She went home for few days before the New Year and honesty I was anxious for her to go so I could have some one on one time with the babies. But after 48 hours I was calling her asking when she would be returning. Turns out she was doing WAY more they I had thought. When she was not around I couldn't spend anytime with the babies because after their feedings I had to clean the bottles, prepare the milk, do a quick load of laundry and whatever else needed to be done. Brad and I were sleep deprived as well...that one extra person really helps. So on New Years Eve we packed up the kids and headed to Mamoo and Papoo Hoppertons for a slumber party...and we got the slumber that night:)
Carter, Lila and Maddie arriving at Mamoo and Papoo's

9am: Wake up for the day...Move the babies into living room and fix Maddie's oxygen tank up in living room so she can hang out for the day. Feed and change Lila, Carter and Maddie and pump while feeding
10:30 am: Put the babies in bouncy seats and clean up the feeding mess and make bottles for the next shift
11am: take a shower, get dressed and try to wake my tired self up
12pm: Feed and change the babies and pump while feeding
1:30pm Put the babies down for tummy time and play and clean up mess and make bottles. Mom does laundry and cleans or we take a break and do some us things and try to eat some lunch.
1:30pm Put the babies down for tummy time and play and clean up mess and make bottles. Mom does laundry and cleans or we take a break and do some us things and try to eat some lunch.
3pm: Feed and change the babies and pump while feeding
4:30pm: Play with the babies and whatever else we can get done
5pm: On Wednesday and Sunday start giving the babies a bath...it takes about an hour for all three.
6pm: Feed and change the babies and pump. Brad begins to help when he is home after work is over
7pm: Start dinner...eat and clean up and watch TV or play on the Internet
9pm: Feed babies, change, pump, and then put them to bed in their cribs for the night
10:15pm: Get ready for bed
12am: Mom and Brad get up to feed and change the babies
3am: Me and Mom get up and feed and change the babies and I pump
6am: Brad and I get up to feed and change the babies and I pump. Then sleep until 9 and Brad gets up earlier to start work and it all starts again!!!
So mostly our lives revolve around dirty diapers, milk and no sleep....but the snugly time we have makes it all worth it!!!
So mostly our lives revolve around dirty diapers, milk and no sleep....but the snugly time we have makes it all worth it!!!
On our way to the doctor
Yesterday we went to the doctor for the babies had their 2 month checkup today and they are growing like weeds. This was the first time we have all been out together and we were a spectacle to say the least. Every nurse and doctor was peaking in our room to check out the babies and on our way out several people were stopping us asking if they were triplets...duh!! During this appointment they received their normal vaccines and their RSV Shot. So the babies received three shots and an oral medication. I was so upset and didn't want my babies to be hurt. They brought in an extra nurse to help console one of the babies afterwards since it was just mom and I....at this point I just thought this can't be good. So Carter was the first victim and he cried blood murder when the nurse gave him the shots and as soon as she put the last band aid on he just went right back to sleep...almost like he past out. The nurse said she has never seen anything like it...our little man is so laid back. Then it was Lila's turn and she really didn't cry too much and when it was over she whimpered a little but I gave the paci to her and she was fine. Then poor little Maddie had to go and she has no fat on her little legs and I know it must have hurt her. She cried out so loud but when it was over she was just looking around like nothing had ever happened. I am so proud of how they did...I guess those little shots are nothing compared to what they had done in the hospital. They all did really well when we got home...Maddie was the only one that woke up in the middle of the night screaming...I guess she was dreaming that the nurse was giving her more shots!!!
Here are their weights:
Carter is 7 lbs 14 ounces 20 inches long
Lila is 7 lbs 1 ounce 19 1/2 inches long
Maddie is 4 lbs 10 ounces 17 inches long
Maddie has grown a pound since she left the hospital just 2 short weeks ago. I think being home with mommy and daddy and her brother and sister has really helped her growth. She is doing wonderful and amazes me everyday when I think back to just how little she was 8 weeks ago...it is a miracle from God...they all are and I believe that they were put here to show us just how much God loves us all and what a little prayer can do. For a brief moment I felt as if I was put here to take care of these babies that would need so much care especially Maddie but they have shown me that I have just been given the opportunity to take care of three very special people that are here to fulfill something awesome that God has planned for them.....look what they have done already...they have so many people who love them so very much and have so much fight in them.

Maddie all dressed up

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