I believe our babies are a true testament of the power of prayer. I can't thank all of you enough for all of your prayers so far. I pray everyday for all of the moms in here and hope that they to believe that God answers prayers and that they are not alone during this difficult time. I just can't imagine going through this not knowing, believing, and understanding that God is in control and whether or not we like the situation at the time everything happens for a reason and for our good.
The doctors are now telling us that they are very surprised that we made it this far. I don't think they were to optimistic in the beginning which explains the panic at first and then as they watched they noticed that things appeared to be fine but were still unsure of what the future held for us. We know that it was God that has sustained us through all of this and our prayers have been answered so far. I ask the doctors if they thought baby b could hold out 2 more weeks to 32 weeks and they seem to think we will no longer need to intervene for the babies but that my body will just start to give out first.
Tonight I received my results from my preeclampsia test and my protein has doubled so they are giving me a rescue dose of the steroid shot just in case they have to deliver soon. They will use several factors before they intervene but basically preeclampsia starts to age the placentas more rapidly. Because of the discordance (weight difference in the babies) they will see baby b affected first since she is so much smaller and they will be watching for this. However this may help baby c once he has arrived since he has not had to struggle in utero this whole time. All the babies feeling the pressure may actually help speed up their development. The doctor said it could be 3 days or a week but I dont think they are thinking it will extend out to 2 weeks...however they have been wrong in the past!
One of my triplet mom friends Kara (who has been here alot for me during my hospital stay) sent me this inspirational story that another mom sent to her while she was pregnant and it is exactly how I feel about my baby b and why we have come so far.
There was a story about a little girl and her mom that I had read about when my kids were in the NICU that was very comforting to me -- This woman gave birth to her daughter prematurely, and the little girl was hooked up to a lot of things and not able to come out of her isolette. The mom was so guilt stricken and felt helpless in the first days of her daughter's life. Then later on, when the little girl was 3 or 4, they were sitting out on some metal bleachers and the clouds started darkening for a storm. The little girl said to her mom, "Can you smell that?" Her mom said, "Yeah, it smells like rain is coming." The little girl said, "Nope, it smells like God." Then she ran off to play. The mom said she just welled up with tears knowing that those days that she couldn't hold her daughter to comfort her, God was doing it for her.
What great encouragment! So glad you have a friend like Kara who knows what you are going through! Hang in there, it's not much longer! Still praying for you! Smiles!