I am an official resident of Hotel Good Sam. I was admitted to the hospital after my doctor's appointment on Friday. There is alot of discordance between Baby B and the other 2. Baby A was 1lb 12 ounces, Baby B 1lb 3ounces, and Baby C 2lbs...yeah he is sucking it all up. They want to be able to monitor me and make sure that she is doing okay. I will have another ultrasound on Monday to check the blood flow to her umbilical cord. She appeared to not be getting an adequate amount but at least getting enough to continue to grow and everything about her is perfect expect her weight and her placenta is letting her down a little. While they were doing the testing she had the hiccups and Baby C was kicking her. We didn't get to see too much of the babies b/c they are getting a big crowded in the there and it just looks like a jumbled mess.
After the ultrasound I headed into the doctors office where I gained another 15 lbs in 3 weeks so that was a concern as well and they had decided to admit me before I knew. The nurse came in and told me and then took my blood pressure so it ended up being 144/80something so they were worried about that as well. However, after I got settled into the hospital it went down to the 120's so it had to have just been the anxiety. I have also been diagnosed with very mild preclyamsia but as long as it says where it is we are good.
On Friday night after only sleeping 2 hours the nurse came in at 4am to take my blood pressure and after she did I just couldn't get to sleep. After about a half an hour I started to feel a lower backache, menstrual like cramps, Harding of my belly and feeling nauseous. i finally called the nurse around 5:30am and they put a monitor on me. I was in fact contracted 1 to 4 minutes apart and they checked my cervix and I was not dilated and gave me a shot to stop the contractions and didn't work so now they are giving me a pill every six hours to help with the contractions and so far so good. Later I came to find out that it was from the steriod shot that I wish given to help speed up the babies lung and brain development.
We spoke with the doctor on saturday and she said that I will be here for the remainder of the pregancy unless Baby B really catches up but even at that they will probably still have me stay. They would have me so they can watch baby b's every move to be sure that she is doing well and babies heartrate is monitored twice a day for 20 mintues. I will also get a scan twice a week to check the blood flow to the babies and a growth scan every two weeks to check the weights. The doctor seemed to think we would make it to 28 weeks for sure and possibly 30...I am now aiming for 32 weeks (which has been confirmed by three different docs now)....PLEASE PRAY FOR US! The birth weight is nothing compared to the gestional age so the longer I can cook these little ones the better even if she is only 2 lbs. There has to be a very good reason for them to take them so the odds are looking really great now for me to make it a few months here as long as everything stays the same. Again, please pray the babies and especially baby b. Its all in God's hands now and she seems to be a fighter.
I am also missing my shower today at the church with my church family, friends and Brad's side of the family. I am very sad that I can't be there but they are planning to record the whole thing so I can see everyone. I hope they don't eat all the cake...I am getting the leftovers....lol!
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