Thursday, September 17, 2009

23 weeks

I have already started the count down...12 weeks to go at the max...hopefully we make it that long! This picture does not do my belly justice, it is SO much bigger and feels like I am turning over a crane when I switch sides laying on the couch. I am starting to get uncomfortable at night and having a hard time sleeping. Last night, I left the bed and slept on the couch because my arms and hands keep falling asleep and I can't seem to stay on my side without a little support from the couch. I can only imagine how much worse it will!!
I finally broke down and bought a pair of jeans (so you can't see my lovely hose) and a pair of size 11 shoes...geez! And I got my haircut today (the picture was taken before the cut) and I feel like a new woman!!!

Baby A, B and C are doing great and it appears that we might have some divas on our hands. As you can see in the pictures Baby A had her back to us as always and her arm was in the air with her hand on her head. Baby B was posing for the camera as usual with her hand on her hand. Then of course Baby C was being his wiggly self and staring right at us...I think he is trying to scare daddy!!!

Their Heart rates were:

Baby A-154
Baby B-150
Baby C-149

Mommy is holding up good too:)

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