Another week gone by....but I don't have much to report this week. The ultrasound tech only gave me one picture...I was really bummed about that. But its cute of their three heads together...I don't even want to know what they are planning in there. Hopefully its to be nice to mommy when they arrive:) They were pretty active...legs and arms flying around everywhere. Baby C is definitely a Buddha baby...I could swear he already has rolls on him....he is huge. Its funny because every time we look at him he is facing the side and he always turns right towards us as if he is looking right at us. Baby B was pretty active as well and wasn't in her normal posing position so hopefully she is getting a little more nourishment and moving around a little more. Baby A of course had her back to us!!
Daddy is working hard on the floor today trying to get it all done before they arrive. I feel kinda sorry for him as he works away on the floor he has to stare at me laying on the couch but he never complains and even yells at me when I get up! I am so blessed:)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Jackson Shower 9-19
I had my second baby shower in Jackson and it was absolutely wonderful. It was so great to see so many friends and family that I don't get to see so often. Each of you made it an amazing day for me and I feel so blessed to have you all in our lives. Thank you to Courtney, Brownyn and Nicole for hosting the shower, it was perfect in every way. Thank you to all of my friends and family, those who were able to attend and also those who couldn't make it, for the generous gifts.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
23 weeks
I have already started the count down...12 weeks to go at the max...hopefully we make it that long! This picture does not do my belly justice, it is SO much bigger and feels like I am turning over a crane when I switch sides laying on the couch. I am starting to get uncomfortable at night and having a hard time sleeping. Last night, I left the bed and slept on the couch because my arms and hands keep falling asleep and I can't seem to stay on my side without a little support from the couch. I can only imagine how much worse it will!!
I finally broke down and bought a pair of jeans (so you can't see my lovely hose) and a pair of size 11 shoes...geez! And I got my haircut today (the picture was taken before the cut) and I feel like a new woman!!!
Baby A, B and C are doing great and it appears that we might have some divas on our hands. As you can see in the pictures Baby A had her back to us as always and her arm was in the air with her hand on her head. Baby B was posing for the camera as usual with her hand on her hand. Then of course Baby C was being his wiggly self and staring right at us...I think he is trying to scare daddy!!!
Their Heart rates were:
Baby A-154
Baby B-150
Baby C-149
Mommy is holding up good too:)

I finally broke down and bought a pair of jeans (so you can't see my lovely hose) and a pair of size 11 shoes...geez! And I got my haircut today (the picture was taken before the cut) and I feel like a new woman!!!
Baby A, B and C are doing great and it appears that we might have some divas on our hands. As you can see in the pictures Baby A had her back to us as always and her arm was in the air with her hand on her head. Baby B was posing for the camera as usual with her hand on her hand. Then of course Baby C was being his wiggly self and staring right at us...I think he is trying to scare daddy!!!
Their Heart rates were:
Baby A-154
Baby B-150
Baby C-149
Mommy is holding up good too:)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Working on the nursery
Fun times working on the nursery. On Saturday, brad and my mom and dad worked on painting the room. As you can see below daddy is not enjoying the painting too much so he was getting bored and decided to try and paint my mom:) My dad taking a little break from rolling paint on the ceiling...he looks a little sleepy! They were able to get all of the painting finished in just a half of a day and I couldn't be more excited that this part is finished...yeah!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009
22 week ultrasounds pictures and painting
Here are the pictures I promised from my ultrasound on Thursday!!
Baby A's profile....she finally doesn't have her back to us and we got a great picture of her
Baby B's profile
Baby C- looking right at us and you can see his little eyelids, nose and mouth!!!
Mom and Dad are here today helping Brad paint the walls of the nursery. I fussed at him many of times that we needed to start on the room before I went on bedrest but he didn't take me seriously....he says I was right now...of course I was:) I am so excited to have this project completed soon. It will only be a matter of time once this is done that we can have the room start to take shape. They will be here before we know much to prepare before they least it feels that way!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
22 weeks
22 week belly
I went to the doctor today and the babies look great. I am now measuring 32 weeks...10 weeks ahead! During the short ultrasound to see the heartbeats we seen Baby C's eyelids (Brad's comment was only the face a mother could love)...its was a really cool. Baby B had her legs all the way up around her head...that child is going to be double doubt. And Baby A actually didn't have her back to us and we could see her pretty little face. They also looked as if they had grown quite a bit in the past week which is reassuring to me. I feel them ALL kicking and stretching more than ever now. I didn't have the opportunity to scan my pictures in but as soon as I do I will post them.
The doctor I seen today said that I really impressed all of the doctors with my enormously swollen feet and ankles. So I guess my feet pictures have become somewhat of a science fair project now...surprise surprise. So they were very pleased with the reduction of swelling and think I am doing great. I had lost 3 lbs...which I am suppose to gain about 2lbs per week so if that remains true I lost 5 which must be nothing but water from the swelling b/c my belly is SO much bigger. I do not have preeclampsia so far and according to the measurements of my cervix it should hold up to full term...which means 35 weeks..Dec 9th. So as long as no other problems come up I should be able to hold these babies in and hopefully be able to take them home without too much delay. It is still important for me to lay down as much as possible to help with the blood flow of nutrients to the babies...obviously the more I am up moving around the more energy that goes to keeping me going and not to the babies. I have started having numbness in my finger tips which is due to the pressure and swelling and they told me to wear this special glove at night to help with that since I am experiencing it so early! Oh the joys of a multiple pregnancy:)
Okay okay so I promised I wouldn't show feet pictures because feet are so ugly but I have to show off my before and after pictures. Its amazing to see after just a week off my feet how much better they look.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Twins and more Class
The doctor allowed me to leave the house yesterday to attend a twins and more class at the hospital. It felt so good to get out of the house but it did wear me out quite a bit. Well to back up a couple of days, the doctor told me that I had to wear these special hospital support hose to help with the swelling while I was sitting up at the class. So Brad drove all over town on the search of these hose...well he found them but they were closed toed and none of my shoes fit so I really wanted the opened toed. So he finally gave up and then went over to visit Mawmaw Hopperton who is recovering from a serious fall that broke her ankle. He was telling her about his day and how he had spent hours looking for these hose and she kicked off the sheets and said are they like these and he laughed and said yup. Before he could say another word she had taken off her hose and given them to him to bring to me. She said they will give me another pair...we know how to work this system. God love her...she is so funny and so sweet. Please pray for her as she recovers.
The class was a really big help and we learned alot. The whole way to the hospital Brad was joking around and saying that this was probably going to be a waste of our time. But it actually turned out to be very informative and I think helped prepare us for what might happen and what to expect and also answered alot of my questions. However, the bad news for me is that Brad is really taking all this so seriously now and not letting me even move from the couch...which i guess is a good thing but these walls are starting to get a little boring. It will all be worth it in the end!!!
The class was a really big help and we learned alot. The whole way to the hospital Brad was joking around and saying that this was probably going to be a waste of our time. But it actually turned out to be very informative and I think helped prepare us for what might happen and what to expect and also answered alot of my questions. However, the bad news for me is that Brad is really taking all this so seriously now and not letting me even move from the couch...which i guess is a good thing but these walls are starting to get a little boring. It will all be worth it in the end!!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
21 weeks and bed rest
Bed rest here I come.....14 weeks max of this....this should be interesting. I guess you will be hearing alot more from me now:) I never thought that when I went to the doctor yesterday that I would be going on bed rest immediately. I went to my TSM (tri state multiples) meeting the night before and they warned me that bed rest could happen anytime but I just thought I would last a little longer....I guess God had other plans! So far there are no serious complications they are just hoping to prevent any from happening and get Baby B fattened up a bit. Baby B is weighing a few pounds behind the others and they are hoping that with bed rest I will have increased blood flow to her in order to continue to allow her to grow at the rapid weight of the others. So far this isn't a problem but could result in one if she is being constricted too much or it could be that she is just going to be the small one of the bunch. The doctor used the example of a marathon runner. When they run in marathons they never stop to use the restroom and that is because that part of their body is shutting down in order to continue to allow them to function and keep them alive and moving. Same with me, my body is working hard to keep me going...since I was going a mile a minute....and shutting down some of the nutrients to the babies in order to keep up with my pace...obviously not baby c though. We are remaining optimistic that this will help or that she is just going to be our little one of the group. Otherwise just looking at them on the ultrasound you can't even tell she is smaller and they said that was a positive. They also want me off of my feet do to the severe swelling of my legs and feet. They are testing me for preeclampsia and I will be collecting and storing my urine in the fridge for 24 hours...oh joy...hopefully brad won't think its lemonade:) I have gained another whooping 20 lbs in just 4 I am now up to 183 and that's almost 60 pounds pre pregnancy (so maybe 50 for me b/c I had about 10 pounds to catch up on) so they are concerned that something else maybe going on besides just the excess of fluid. They will be monitoring my weight when I am on bed rest weekly to be sure that it is decreasing in hopes it is just the fluid build up. The doctor made it clear that I should not even be sitting up that I must be lying down on either side preferably. I have been given the okay to attend my multiples class at the hospital on Tuesday (yeah a few hours out of the house) but I must wear special support hose at all times when sitting up. This will help with the circulation and prevent the swelling from coming back. So maybe I can start a new fashion trend!
During the ultrasound, the babies were as active as ever. They are growing wonderfully and all of their organs and development appears to be working properly. Baby C is definitely the haas of the group and each time we were looking at Baby A and B you could see some part of him...he is just stretching out up on top (like someone else we know that likes to stretch out...aka brad) and we have confirmed that it is his big head that is poking out of the top of my stomach and not just a monster. I told Brad that I am making him fully in charge of the little guy and I will take care of the girls....boy is he going to have his hands full. Their Heart rates are as follows: Baby A 146 bpm ,Baby B 151 bmp ,Baby C 146 bmp which are all great. All of the babies weights have at least doubled since the last ultrasound....4 weeks ago. Baby A weighs 15 ounces (doubled plus 1), Baby B 12 ounces (doubled), Baby C 19 ounces (doubled plus 3). So, Baby C needs to stop stealing all the food:) We didn't get too many good pictures this time but there are a few!
Even though its only been a day of bed rest, I have enjoyed the opportunity to just take pleasure in my babies. I can feel them moving so much more than I could before and that is such a blessing. God is so Good!!!
Baby B holding her index finger up (saying wait a minute) she is such a ham and baby a is on the lower right
Baby B's feet on top and Baby C's feet underneath
Heart rate and Two feet
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
First Kicks
I felt the babies kick for the first time yesterday. I think it has been happening for awhile I just didn't realize what I was feeling. I had my arm on my stomach and Baby B and C both kicked so hard that my arm moved now I am feeling this frequently. Baby C is also starting to move up toward my ribs and on occassion will stick either a head or a butt right at the top of my stomach. Its such an amazing thing....but I think we are going to have our hands when they!
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