Friday, March 28, 2014

17 months

This sweet little girl is growing up way too fast! Her personality just keeps getting bigger.  I adore her smile and how it lights up her whole face.  I love how when she grins so big that her eyes squint up and all of those teeth shine.


"No" has become a favorite word along with the head shaking.  Too bad because yes was coming so easy before. 
 Peek a boo mom...I love to eat! And when I am hungry I rub my belly and say "mmmmm" Her love for cheese also keeps going. Now she says "that's cheese"


She especially loves all things sweet and of course icing!

She insisted on getting baths with her sisters and brother in the big tub. So after fighting with her and trying to figure out the best way to keep her safe in the tub...puddle jumpers! Works like a charm and she can freely move and have fun in the tub.

She loves spinning around and around in circles often times until she falls down.
Just relaxing on the couch!

When its diaper changing time and she has a stinky diaper she says "p-shew" and holds her nose.  Which then gets her started on nose honking. she has to go around the room and honk (squeeze) everyone's nose and she wont stop until the person says honk honk.
First time painting
Mommy and Molly selfie!!  This girl loves her momma and I sure love all the snuggles she gives me.  I hope that never changes!