Molly's 18 month appointment went well. She is still a little peanut with large noggin.
Weight: 20 1/2 lbs 4% (she is officially smaller than Lila was)
Height: 31.5 inches- 40%
Head Circumference: 18.9 inches-85%
She loves to sit on the potty. She doesn't exactly know what she is supposed to be doing but she sure loves it.
She loves clipping and painting toenails. She is obsessed with me clipping her nails. Sometimes she will even bring me the clippers and will beg me to trim them.
I purchased a smaller slide and climber for Molly to play with this summer so she could be a little safer. But guess what she hasn't touched it. Instead she prefers to climb this one. I must admit she does a pretty good job.

She even loves to swing on it and big brother is pushing her.
She wants to do everything her brother and sisters do. She doesn't miss a beat.
Helping Daddy make brownies and the best part is taste testing.
When she wants you to do something or is trying to tell you something when you finally figure it out she gets so excited, smiles and laughs.
She loves playing outside
She is a very big helper and wants to be just like mom. If I am cleaning up something off the floor with a paper towel you had better bet she has to have a towel too and doing exactly what I do. She loves to pick up clothes off the floor and take them to the laundry room. This day she was helping me take all the clothes to the big kids to get dressed. If I am picking something up that may seem to her heavy or hard to move she will actually try and help you by grunting while watching you.
First ponytail...her hair is actually pretty long but its so curly that it appears to be much shorter.
She enjoys spinning in circles until she feels dizzy enough to fall down and she thinks is so funny!
She has never went to bed before the big kids go to bed. A couple of times she has just crashed from exhaustion but she refuses to miss anything and will not go to bed before they do. So every night she helps us tuck them into bed, they say their night night prayers and then she goes around to each of their beds and makes sure their light mobiles are on. She will sometimes give them hugs and kisses and then she always waves bye to them. Before she leaves the room she has to make sure that all of the mobiles are still on and if they are not she makes sure to turn it on before she leaves the room.
Then off to bed for her we go and each night I still rock her to sleep. When she finally goes out most nights you will catch her with her hands between the crib and the bumper.