It is so hard to believe that it has been 11 month’s already. I am defiantly not ready for this little one to turn one. She is finally saying ma ma..yay…and says yes and no no. But unlike the triplets she says yes and yeah all the time. Maybe I don’t tell her no enough! She calls her paci “d” and will call for it when she wants it. While we are looking for it I swear it sounds like she says “where’s it at” kind of all slurred together. She can also say the word “that” and when she wants something says “that” and points. We are learning signing too and she can sign more and all done.
She still loves eating. She eats more then an adult would at most meals. A banana and a half plus 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast! That is just to start her day and she is still so tiny! Even when she is not feeling well she still eats and probably eats more like a baby should!
Eating her First popsicle
She also enjoys stealing her brother and sister’s stacks or finishing out their leftovers. Just a little snack for her!
She still loves taking baths and the water. Always trying to get into the bathtub with her siblings.
She is not afraid of the pool water either and even likes putting her face down in it. Scares mom to death.
I love watching this little one sleep. There is nothing more precious.
So excited for curls!
The SO adorable famous “Molly” head tilt! She is a tease too. She loves to pretend like she is going to give someone something or go to them and then shy's away and giggles.
She loves playing just like the big kids. She still loves the kitchen.
She wants to play just like the big kids
And another favorite is the little people princess castle. She loves moving the little people in and out of the door.
Where did she go!
Lila and Molly are big buddies! Lila is such a great big sister!
Standing so big and tall! She loves to hold someone's had and walk around and tries to push everything to help her walk.
She is always waving bye bye. When we went to the pool the other day she was waving to everyone she seen. She especially loves waving to other kids they usually get the double wave.
And hanging upside down is so much better the right side up. Don’t even get her started because she won’t stop. As soon as you bring her back to the top she is laying her head back to do it again.