Molly’s 9 month pictures turned out amazing! We finally have a great family photo too!
Molly is growing up way too fast!
She’s crawling around everywhere and keeps us on our toes!
She loves to stand, cruise, and even lets go and free stands for up to a minute. When she is standing on her own she will just look at you and laugh and smile like look at what I can do.
One of her most favorite things to do is waving. She will wave hi and bye to anyone even without being prompted. She is also started to understand sign language. She is signing “more” and then loves to clap for herself. She loves handing items to people and she never wants them back. Almost as if she is already learning to share…in my dreams!
Squealing and being heard over everyone else is her by far her signature. She talks constantly saying dada, nana and she calls her paci her “d”. And when she wants to be heard she just gives a little signature yell and laughs.
She can mimic just about any funny noise you throw her way.
Already cutting her top teeth. Her right upper tooth is almost in.
This kid loves to eat. There is nothing that she doesn’t like eating. She actually eats better the her sisters and brother combined. Most mornings she can usually put away almost 2 scrambled eggs and a banana all by herself. If you keep feeding her she will usually keep right on eating.
First trip in a grocery cart. I am not sure how I ever survived without cart and highchair covers. It puts my germaphobia at bay.
I love to watch the big kids play with Molly. Its just the sweetest thing ever. They take such good care of her and most of the time allow her to be a part of their play.
Hey Mom just playing with big brother.
She loves playing castle and princesses
And the kitchen is her favorite even when no one else is around.
Looks like we might have some curly hair!
Napping and bedtime is getting much better. I think it is so cute how she sleeps. She always has to be on her left side with her feet straight out to the side.
And this is what happens when you have too much fun at Grammy’s and refuse to take a nap. You just fall right over in exhaustion.
Our Sweet Molly Caroline!