I went for my monthly checkup on May 21st at 21 weeks and 6 days. Everything is going very smoothly and I was measuring 23 weeks so an entire week ahead! I had been having some back pain so the doctor thought I should have a cervical check which equals seeing the baby…yippee! Everything looked great and baby girl is getting bigger!
My next appointment is June 13th and we will be having another ultrasound to make sure we are not dealing with any IUGR but the doctor seems pretty confident by my measurements that this is not going to be a problem this go around. I am so excited to see how much she has grown!
Its just amazing how much I feel her moving around. Its such an amazing experience! I never felt the triplets quite like I feel her. I don’t know if that is because there was so much movement that I just didn’t feel everything or if she is just really busy in there!
Growing belly at 22 weeks!