Sister’s are the best!!!! These girls are so sweet (when they want to be of course!)
Lila’s latest development is that she now likes and insists on picking out her own clothing. There is usually no encouraging her to wear something else…its that or nothing and same goes for jammies. She’s only 2 isn’t it a little too early for this! Madelyn on the other hand has followed in her foot steps but you can more easily talk her into wearing something else or something that at least matches.
This child is such a girl and quite the diva. Besides the fact that she must pick out her own clothes she also has to change 1 or 2 times a day. I think laundry maybe in her future. Lila is starting to speak really well. She says thank you mommy or thank you daddy…which I think is so cute that she is combining words together and adding names. She is pretty much talking in full sentences which most of the time is great but at times I also wish she couldn’t talk so well. She is also really starting to reason things out and asking questions and trying to reason the answer with of course more questions! Anytime she hurts herself now even the slightest bit she comes running to me saying “kiss it mommy” I kiss the boo boo and then she says “thank you mommy all better" and runs off.
Carter and all of his beautiful hair. He is in desperate need of a haircut but I always hate getting it cut because it is so gorgeous. He is all boy he loves nothing more than to torment his sisters and cause chaos and then when he knows he is in trouble he wants you to hold him and he will give you a great big hug as if to say I can charm my way out of this. Ill hear a sister laughing and crying at the same time and go where they are to see him sitting on top of them and he refuses to get up. He is quite the challenge these days and absolutely nothing phases him. He falls down he gets up, he climbs on tables and falls off to get right back on (after he has been in time out for standing on the table), he amazes me everyday with the new things he finds to get into. He still loves to read every moment he gets he wants someone to look at books with him. He is so smart and can remember so much but when it comes to using the words in a conversation he is still struggling with that…he just prefers his own language.
This little peanut is as sweet as she can be. She is first to share a toy and is truly the peacemaker of the family. There is rarely a moment that you don’t see her with a huge grin on her face. She is a chatter box and the funny thing is that you understand every word she says. She likes to say “look at me” when she is doing something she wants us to see and she looks through these binoculars we have and says “I see you mommy I see you daddy.” She has a pretty big personality as well. We were at Children’s for an eye appointment and as I took her and Carter back while leaving the waiting room she turned to every person there as we walked by and waved and said bye really loud to each one….it was like she was the queen in the parade…the people just laughed because it was so stinking cute. She is also very polite…she always says please and thank you sometimes 5 or 6 times…I guess she just wants us to know how thankful she is! Believe it or not she is the last one to leave the dinner table and is usually still eating even after we have finished. She is such a good eater and generally cleans her plate and isn’t too picky! Although junk food is still her favorite.
Lila’s latest creation…I was quite impressed with her playdoh imagination. I that was super fun trying to separate the colors to put it away!
It was getting close to naptime one day and I found them in the living room like this saying night night mommy. I guess they wanted to sleep in the living room!!
Already almost 28 months old?!?!?! I had to think about that…I hardly refer to months anymore which is even more sad!