If anyone has seen our sweet, calm and innocent children will you please return them to us immediately. I am not sure if its because we are nearing the terrible two’s but oh my it was like a light switch turned on one day. Suddenly we are into everything, climbing and standing on anything, we do not listen to anyone, we fight with each other because we all want the same toy, we are constantly on the move and we are always seeking trouble, we can tear up a room in 5 seconds flat, forget child locks, barricades, and gates we have them all figured out too and please mom and dad no more diaper changes we don’t have time for those. I do not know these children they are not ours and we want ours back pronto…please!
As for me…If I am not making a meal, cleaning up a meal, picking up a mess, breaking up fights, changing diapers, then its time for a snack or someone is crying then at the one second of silence I honestly do not know what to do with myself. House cleaning well who has time for that…time is non existent anymore and I do not plan to do anything. If I get something done for me or that really just needs to be done well that’s just a bonus!!! But I am ok with that because these three little monsters won’t be little forever and soon enough they will be off to school and I really will have no idea what to do with myself. So for now I will deal with mess and the piles that need gone through and just enjoy my babies as long as I can. Some days are harder than others and sometime I loose my cool but all in all I find myself right back to this thought…cherish your yesterdays, dream about tomorrow but LIVE for today!
Lila has really fallen in love stuffed animals and dolls. This particular day she wasn’t feeling the best so her stuffed animals made her feel so much better. Can you find her???
Every morning and after every nap we have to drag all of the stuffed animals out of our bed into the living room!
All the kids loving pushing the strollers but Lila also has to carry her purse and she usually has a bracelet or two on!
Always ready to say cheese and pose for the camera!
Lila decided she wanted to take a trip into Madelyn’s bed during naptime. When we put her back in her crib and walked out of the room she ended up on the floor next. So immediately her crib was moved away from Madelyn’s where it is staying for now and I think it scared her enough not to do it again because its been several weeks and so far so good!
Well Carter is in trouble all of the time and I have used several methods of punishment but nothing seems to phase this child. I put him in timeout the other day for one minute. After it was over he decided to go get his water and sit back in the timeout chair. I guess he likes the timeout chair which initially I thought was not a good thing. But hopefully he can find it a comfortable place to plow off steam and maybe that’s what he needs is a getaway form those silly sisters!
Cool DUDE!!!
This kid loves trucks, car and anything with wheels!
He loves getting into the kitchen cabinet although now they are all locked up except the dish towel drawer which just isn’t as fun.
Madelyn loves signing any kind nursery rhyme but lately she is really into head, shoulders, knees and toes and she does the movements right along. She has also started saying a few more words like row, go or anything with the long o sound!
Playing dress up
Playing ball with Mags!
The fish face! Aunt Shell taught her how to make the fish face and it’s the cutest thing ever!!
Madelyn loves writing, scribbling,and coloring. Showing me her artwork.
Can you spot Carter? This is what we did on the days it was too hot to venture outside!
Or we just went swimming
We all love mega blok legos…they keep us busy for quite sometime.
Lila building a tower.
Stirring in our bowls like mommy. We really love playing pretend!
And at the end of the day….We love reading with Dad