Lila has been fussy as usual always wanting to be held and never taking naps. She loves to put put her dress in her mouth and cover her face with anything and everything. I could be wrong but I think its because she spent so much time in the womb with her brother and sister laying over her so she is comforted by having something covering her face. I have been saying for weeks that she might like a
blankie that has a little toy on the end. I had
received a few of these as shower gifts but it just wasn't the material she was looking for. Then the strangest thing happened....the UPS man shows up at my door and
delivers a box...its from learning curve...yeah I finally
received something from all of my multiple letter freebies that I sent out. I quickly open it up and there were 3
blankies inside and some
sippy cups. It was so ironic that they sent these
because it was exactly what I had
envisioned. I gave Lila one of them and she LOVES it...loves it is not the even the word...she can't live without it now. Best of all I decided the next night to put her in her crib and she went right down and slept until 4am in her crib and then I put her in her swing and unlike her usual fussing in the swing she went right back to sleep with her
blankie. However, since then she does go right down in her crib which is a huge improvement but she has started waking up in the middle of the night wanting a bottle. She is even taking naps in her crib along with her
blankie of course. Hopefully this
blankie phenomenon will only continues to improve her sleep habits!!
Lila sleeping with her blankie!!

This day like so many (before the blankie) Lila did not want to take a nap so we sat her in the rocking chair while we put away clothes. After about a half hour this was the result....minus the stuffed animals which later Grammy thought would be funny to surround her with...Where is Lila??

Oh yes....this is our diva!! We are going to have our hands full with this one...just look at her she has trouble written all over her face.

Madelyn is still the most pleasant baby and always smiling but when she wants to be heard watch out because she can yell louder than the others. She has found her thumb and she loves it just about as much as Carter does.

Sitting up like a champ in her
bumbo seat. She was the first to really sit well but I she doesn't like it quite as well as Carter does!

Our very cool chick...she will let us do about anything to her!!

Our little man or should I say big man!! He is already starting to outgrow his 6 month clothes. He has only rolled over once and I guess he decided that it wasn't exciting enough to do it again. However, when he lays on his belly he really arches his head up so he can see what is going on around him. This is Carter spread eagle sleeping!

Playing in his took him a couple of days to stop the head bobble but he cries now when you take him out!

Carter on his belly checking out what mom is doing!

He is also our future singer. If daddy knew I was posting this with Carter in a pink
boppy he would kill me. We just sit babies wherever there is an open just
ignore the pinkness. I was in the kitchen making bottles and I heard Carter really getting into his signing so I decided that I better come in and check on him and this was what I found....
We are praying that it doesn't rain Sunday morning so we can take the babies to Cincinnati for the March for Babies walk. We are very excited about this and so far have raised $200 so thank you everyone who has donated and if you haven't and would like to there is still time:0)