Its been a crazy month around here and finding time lately to write on my blog has been quite a challenge. The babies are becoming more active and are requiring much more of mommy's attention. I love that they want me to play with them and want me near them all the time but I have to get somethings done. So I get all geared up for when my mom or Brad's mom comes to stay with me while he is out of town working thinking I am going to get all of these things done. But that doesn't happen b/c its so nice to just sit and play with them and know that I have the extra help to get the
necessities done...such as washing bottles and clothes and trying to get something to eat. Nursing mom's are very hungry and I think I eat more now then I did when I was pregnant...I guess I have the room now!
Their 4 month birthday was this past Tuesday and we went to see the
pediatrician for their 4 month check up on Monday. They are developing wonderfully for their adjusted age (which is their age by due date...8 weeks old). They are holding their heads up (with a little or no support), kicking around, holding their hands together, cooing like crazy, smiling, grasping for things, and really focusing on toys and people.
Lila found herself in a mirror on a
playmat today and it was the funniest thing. She was just staring at herself smiling and swing her arms and legs around...
I guess she liked what she seen. She is doing so much better. She loves her little lamb swing (and this swing only)...in fact she sleeps in it. We try every night to put her in her crib and after 10 or 15 trips back into the nursery to console her we rush her out of the room before she wakes up her
brother and sister. I guess we are at least trying to get her to sleep in her crib but sometimes you gotta do whatever it takes to get some sleep. Carter and Maddie go down so well....you can put them in their cribs awake and they will put themselves to sleep but not Lila...hopefully one day we will get there. She still has her fussy moments but is
definitely spending more time happy then crying which is a relief for all of us. She smiles and has a very soft coo and loves to flap her arms and legs around.
Carter is the
playmat junkie...he loves his
playmat. You can lay him in there and he will stay awake until the next feed (3.5 hours) and just coo, smile, talk and just look around. When he is upset he sticks out his lower lip and melts my heart...but its also kinda cute. He is a talker too...he doesn't have to have anyone stimulate him he just lays or sits by himself and talks away.
Then there is Maddie...the overachiever who is scooting around...I can't walk away from her b/c I come back to find her in a different spot. She is also trying to hold her head up when laying on her belly. She must see everything that is going on...if you put her on your shoulder and walk around with her she just looks around and is as happy as can be. She is also fighting sleep and its so funny b/c her eyes will start to shut and then she will start screaming in hopes it will wake her up and she won't miss anything. She is on 26
calories (
breast milk fortified with formula) and she burns every bit of it b/c she is so very busy...so it doesn't
surprise me that its taking her so long to pack on the pounds. After she eats and when she finished eating she will start to grin at you and coo...she knows that we can't resist that and we stop feeding her to listen to her talk to us. As soon as I get this on video I will post it...however when she sees the camera she is distracted and doesn't do it.
So without further adieu here is the update:
Carter weighs 13 lbs 1 ounce and is 23 1/2 inches long
Lila weighs 10lbs 13 ounces and is 22 1/2 inches long
Madelyn weighs 7lbs 1 ounce and is 20 1/2 inches long
My babies are growing so quickly...I am glad to see
Madddie gaining weight so well but I just feel like my babies are growing up so fast. We are very excited for the warm weather so we can finally come out of
hibernation to visit some friends and family.
My Wildcats

Mom...what in the heck are you doing...

Future UK Twirler-Maddie

Very Big Bow

Future UK Sleeper- Lila

Passed out

Future UK Football Player-Carter

Maddie's scooting adventure; she started to the far left with her body under the pink blanket


Bottles for 24 hours...its a little less now

Granny spiked my hair!!!

Our baby boy

Maddie Stealing sisters swing


Our first walk...we love the warm weather




Finally...we are walking in the March for Babies Walk on April 25th b/c we know prematurity all too well and hope that others do not find themselves in our situation. We are walking b/c we want to make sure that babies have their full 9 months! The March of Dimes mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. So if you are able please make a donation to our walk: