Belly picture at 19 weeks

I swear my belly grows 2 inches everyday. Each morning that I get up out of bed it just seems that much bigger and that much harder to even move. However, I feel very blessed though because I know that means the kiddos are growing fast:) Now that I have started to really show....well lets just say look like I am about to give birth soon....alot more people (aka strangers) ask me when I am due. The grocery clerk, the mailman, the fast food worker, you name it they ask and when I tell them that I am only 19 weeks it doesn't really register at first but then they get this look on there face look...WOW and then I open the can of worms and say I am expecting triplets and the comments are priceless. I guess you could be offended by some of their comments however I just laugh about it because I couldn't feel more blessed that God has given us these three precious miracles. Some people just stand in amazement like I am some sort of alien or something and some have only but the kindest things to say. Either way I get alot of enjoyment out of their reactions. I am SO unbelievably excited for these little ones to arrive and finally have this feeling that we can do this...we can feed, diaper, clothe and bathe three babies at one time....piece of cake:) I know that they will be so much fun and I can't wait to meet them.
Today at the ultrasound, everything looked great and I am holding up well! I really think I finally have each of these little ones figured out. Baby A as usual was quite and snuggled up in a ball. So much that she appeared to have her leg over her head. I asked if she just didn't have room since she was on the very bottom but sure enough there was plenty of open space in her sac...she just chooses to stay curled up! So I think she will be the quite and reserved one of the bunch.
Over the past week, I have felt this poking sensation in my belly button and sure enough it was confirmed today that Baby B is right under my belly button....looks like we have found the culprit. I think she will be the miss congeniality of the three. She seems to always be in the perfect position for a great picture and just hangs out. You can see below an awesome picture of her legs and feet.
Baby C was his normal self...bouncing off the walls. I believe he is taking after his daddy already and can't seem to sit still for any amount of time. So he will be the rowdy one! She finally caught a few pictures of him as he squirmed around.
I am so thankful that I get to see these precious babies each week. It is awesome to get to know each of them before they arrive and experience them in a way that most people don't ever have the opportunity to do. I thank God everyday for his wonderful blessings:)

Baby A Profile

Baby A with her foot near her head

Baby B and her legs (kinda looks like mommy's)

Baby B Profile

Baby B- posing again

Baby C

Baby C squirming