Carter getting ready to come home!

Maggie is not so sure about Carter...you mean another one!!

Carter came home yesterday and we actually did really well last night...seven hours of broken sleep isn't bad. Brad is such a great dad...even though he has to work he still takes one of the night shifts!! Maggie wasn't too sure about Carter...I think she was a little confused...why is there another one invading my territory. Carter is very noisy and has ALOT of gas...its so bad that when he was in the hospital the nurses named him Carter the Farter...hope that doesn't follow him forever.

Lila's first bath

Sleeping beauty

Lila in her bed
Lila loves her paci and holding on to it for dear life
Lila got her first bath on Sunday She seemed to enjoy it at first but once we started soaping up she started screaming! Hopefully next time she enjoys all of it. Lila loves her paci and even though she is so tiny she has a deathly grip on that thing.

Maddie sucking her thumb

Maddie with a great big yawn...you people wear me out with your pictures.
Maddie LOVES her thumb and loves sucking on her paci too. After Carter left on Monday she took 18 ml of her feed from the bottle and then another 13ml later in the day. I think she is wanting to come home with her brother and sister asap. She now weighs 2lbs 9 oz so she needs to at least gain another pound before she can come home. They increased her calories to help her gain the weight a little faster and hopefully it does so we can have her home soon.

Checking each other out